Astronomers find new planet capable of supporting life

Astronomers have discovered the "Holy Grail" - the planet can support life outside the solar system.

The planet lies in what you describe as the "habitable zone", not too close to the Sun to dry out, or too far away to freeze.

And the discovery could help answer the question of whether we are alone in the universe, which is plagued by astronomers and alien fanatics for years.

The scientists found a planet, Gliese 667Cc, orbiting the red dwarf star 22 light years away from earth.
Red dwarf stars are the most common stars in the neighborhood of the sun, planets, space is usually the so-called gas giants that are not members of the rock material.

Re-analyzing the data of the European Southern Observatory astronomers found a planet Gliese 667Cc strength to about four and a half times the mass of Earth.

University of Göttingen and the University of California scientists calculated the planet's received 10 percent less light from the red dwarf star than the Earth receives from the Sun.

Since the light in the infrared area of ​​the planet still get nearly as much energy as the Earth, so the water can be liquid and surface temperatures similar to ours.

Astronomers in the signaling of the plant as the "Holy Grail" of discovery than 20 years ago, scientists are still debating the existence of planets beyond our solar system.

Since the discovery of the first extrasolar planet in 1995, astronomers confirmed the existence of more than 760 planets beyond the solar system, only four, it seems that the habitable zone.

One of the most successful tool for planet hunters with high precision radial Planetary Searcher (harp) telescopes, which measure the radial velocity of a star.

The scientists named this small telescope wobbles of stars caused by a moving gravitational response of a planet, determining the position and size of a planet directly.

Currently able to detect planets that are 3-5 times the mass of the Earth, but in the future, they could detect planets that are smaller than twice the mass of Earth.

Steven Vogt, an astronomer at the University of California, said: "This is the Holy Grail of the exo-planet research to find a planet orbiting the star in the right distance, so it's not too close, you lose all the water and not too far where freeze.

"It's there in the habitable zone - no question or debate about it. Not on the edge. That is right."

Guillem Anglade, Escudo, University of Göttingen, Germany, said: "With the advent of next-generation devices, the researchers will be able to assess many dwarf stars and planets eventually look similar spectroscopic signatures of life in such a world."